Tuesday, May 13, 2003

Repeat after me.....It's not about the oil, it's not about the oil, it's not about the oil. Hmmmmm, maybe it is.

I don’t believe it because I don’t believe the truthfulness of this administration. Before we invaded Iraq, I didn’t believe the reports that Saddam had as much bad stuff as President George W. Bush kept on telling us he had. I didn’t believe Bush when he said that there were tons of chemical weapons that Saddam was planning on using against his neighbors. I didn’t believe Saddam had the strength, principally because of worldwide sanctions against his regime, to do much of anything.

Yet Bush kept hammering away, trying any available ploy to convince the American public, and a skeptical world, that Saddam was even more of a monster than his previous actions have shown. He even went so far as to send Secretary of State Colin Powell to the United Nations to state unequivocally that Saddam has the weapons and that we knew exactly where they were.

After this came out, the United Nations team of inspectors in Iraq, which was finding nothing, asked the United States to share that information. It didn’t, and now we know why.

[Via BartCop]